My favourite film director
My favourite film director is Timothy Walter Burton better known as Tim Burton, he was born in Burbank, Califorina one day of 25 of august in 1958 he was the first son and the big brother of the Burton's family. He is a film director but is a producer, writter, and dessigner too.
The childhood of Burton was so difficult because he was a very strange kid, he was a very introspective kid with a strange ideas, he loves the murders and one day he scared all of the neighbours because he simulated a murder with a axe and one of the neighbours called to the police, but the murdrered only was a fake by Tim Burton, and he scared the sons of the neighbours because he tolds to them aliens that would go down to earth. The neighbours called him Axe Wound and they cataloged Tim the freak of the monsters and science fiction movies.
His childhood was so lonely because he was very different than the others and he became entretained drawing.
When he was 13 he started to do short films in the garden of his house, the first short film was called. "The Island of Doctor Agor".
Then, when he finished the High School, he recived scolarship to the Institute of Arts of California, created by: Walt Disney.
Some years later he starts to work in the Disney company, but his draws was so terrifyng for the kids and he was fired of the company.
He starts his career in solitary and he made a lot of fantastic movies for kids and adults, he won fame with the movie: "Nightmare before Christmas", and he won prizes with "Beetlejuice", "Edward scissorhands", "Batman", "Mars Attacks!", "The Apes planet" and "Charlie and the Chocolate factory".

He has two sons with his ex wife Helena Boham Carter, an english actress who appears in a lot of his movies like: "Alice in Wonderland",...
I like this film director because he is very different than the others, he has a very characteristic way to do the films and to interpreted them. And his characters always has one thing in common, they are a alternative persons, with alternative ways to see the world, and sometimes are strange persons.

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