My favourite singer
Today I want to talk about my favourite singer, his name is Kurt Donald Cobain, but his artistic name was Kurt Cobain.
He started to sing at two years old and he started to touch the piano and write songs when he was 4 years old, his first songs was about when he went to the park, when he was 10 he started to played the battery and when he was 14 his uncle gift a guitar to Kurt.

He never was an excellent student, in the classes he always was drawing.
When Kurt Cobain was teenager, the other students started to bullied him because he was the friend of a gay guy, he was so lonely and started to wrote more songs and played the guitar and sang more, (he sang and played the guitar 2 hours every day.).
Then he went to live with his girlfriend and when she was in the work Kurt Cobain kept the house and played the guitar.
He started to do concerts in a bars, and early he started to made discs, like Nevermind, a succes with the song "Smells like teen spirit",and Kurt Cobain and his band Nirvana, got fame.

In 1991 Kurt Cobain met Courntey Love,a singer and they married and had a dughter, Francess Bean Cobain.
Early Kurt started to ate drugs because his wife ate drugs, since one day, when Courtney trick Kurt with other man and he ate a lot of drugs, he fells in coma, and when he wokes up of the coma, he wrotes a letter and then he suicide.