I have two pets, one dog and one cat. The dog's name is Nana, she arrives in our family the Christmas of 2010 when she only had three months and she was so cute. Because she is white and very soft because her fur are very curly, she is a caniche.
She love stay with people and always she stays with my father, she hates the people who don't knows. She is very special because she has a psycological problem, she is epileptic and sometimes adopts the pillows, the pyijamas,... and thinks they are her sons, because she has a psycological pregnants.
My cat, her name is Lily, she arrives in our home in December of 2007 when she had two months, we don't know exactly when she was born because we found her in the garage when she fells out in a container of water and my uncle saved her, when she was in our home, the first day she was very aggressive and my cousins and I can't touch her without glasses and globes. She was scary and we decided to celebrate her birthday at the 31º of October, in Halloween.
Now she is a very lovely, fat and lazy cat, and now we has a very good relation.
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