I have a lots of dreams, but my biggest dream is to be a tattoist. I know that dream has different challenges, for example: It's difficult begin to work in a tattoo studio and at the begining I need to spend a lot of money for the material. But in the case to be tattooist weren't possible, I'd like to be publicist or cartoon designer. But I know, all dreams has challenges.For example, my other dreams is travel with my grandfather (my hero) to Switzerland because he loves chocolate and clocks and in that country there are a lot, swim with dolphins, go to an AC/DC concert, having my house and a horse, that dreams they do not have difficult challenges, the only challenge is get enough money for them. My dreams with the most difficult challenges is travel to Japan, because I'm afraid of heights and for travel to Japan I need to go by plane, other difficult dream is meet my favourite actors (Tom Hanks and Johnny Deep), my favourite band (AC/DC) and my favourite director (Tim Burton) but that dreams are very difficult and has a lots of challlenges,but there isn't my most important dream and it's dispensable, and I would like travel a lot and go a lots of concerts. But the most important is to be happy with what do you do.

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